
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Communication Basics: From 5 Questions to 10 Questions

Teachers, especially writing teachers and journalism teachers are supposed to teach their students the basic questions every reporter or writer should ask:  "Who?  What?  Why?  Where?  and How?"   I would like to re-work this list and chang it up some.  I want to say that some of the most important questions are left out. 

My first clue came from my higher level of educaiton in theology where I ran across Martin Luther's original question of "How much?" behind the answer of "the righteousness of Jesus Christ".  See often people think too much about answers and not enough about questions.   I know John Calvin's answer was "humility. humility, humility", but what was his question?  I have asked teachers in the Reformed tradtion and they still have not gotten back to me on the question.  I think it might be a "when" question (that is my best guess). 

So without further ado, let me show you my re-working of the 5 questions into 5 groups of questions.  They are:

1) How many?  How much?

2) Where?  When"

3) Who?  Whole?

4) How?  Why?

5) What?  Which?

I have found these immensely helpful to avoid the pitfalls of not asking a critical basic question.  How many times do we zoom to teaching a "how" (method) without a "why" (motivation)?  Do others sometimes tell us "what" (ice cream) they want, but they forget to tell us "which (kind)" (chocolate) they want?  Do we dare get in trouble for bringing them plain vanilla?  We need to ask "which (kind)?" 

So when I teach or tutor a student or when I am a good listening mode, I ask all these kinds of questions.  They are all valuable.  Do you (who?) have any (of the whole of?) questions?  If you do, then please choose one of the questions above and ask through your comments!  Thank you. 

Take care,


P. S.  Happy teaching and learning!

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